Wednesday, 23 March 2016


So last week I started my observations and interviews. My first observation was a year 13 Chemistry class. I found when I first started watching that I was more engrossed with the subject as I haven't done a Chemistry class in 17 years. I was quite engaged learning about 'Global Warming'!! My main observation was how certain students were extremely vocal in question and answers and for others it was like the teacher was 'pulling teeth'! This surprised me due to the Academic setting I work in and the fact these students are only weeks away from their final exams. I was also expecting the less vocal students to become more active in the practical element of the class but again this didn't happen. Possibly just a bad day for one students in particular?? My pre conceived ideas about how the students would behave were not matched with reality. These are subjects the students have chosen to take and are old enough to realise how important these last few weeks are for embedding knowledge but that didn't seem to phase some students.

On a completely different note I observed a year 6 drama class. This was focussed, energized and all the students seemed to benefit from the lesson. Within the first 10 minutes as students were split from their friendship groups and into working groups you immediately recognised the leaders and followers. Some of the naturally quieter students seemed comfortable taking that back seat role and you could instantly see who preferred to instigate their own ideas. After a conversation with Tom yesterday about hierarchy it makes you wonder is this a natural evolution of a group of peers forced into working together - will we always have leaders and followers or could we work together with equal imput and ideas??? Food for thought!! This class was a very creative lesson with audio stimulus for a theme they were working on. I thought the class structure worked well and the time allowed for sections a good length for a natural creative process to happen.

I have one more observation to do with a year 1 teacher. In 3 weeks time which again will give me a different angle on how to approach lessons.


  1. Hi Andrea,

    I have found me experience of observations very similar to yourself. What I believed I would find in my observations has not been the case at all. In fact, it has been the complete opposite.

    I like your idea about leaders and followers. Have you found any education based literature that supports this? I think this would be interesting to explore in more detail.

    How are you getting on with the inquiry and Module 3?


  2. Hi Jess,
    I'm struggling a little with my literature at the moment - I don't really know what to narrow it down to and find its too wide what I keep looking at. I will get there. A few more interviews to go and one more observation :)
