Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Literature & opinions

From the literature I have looked at over the last few months it seems that people agree on the fact that "The Arts" are important but that not enough is done to make them survive. From my own knowledge of working in theatres the last 15 years has seen a decrease of school children attending theatre trips and more companies going into schools. Whilst they are still seeing live theatre I feel they lose some of the magic, culture and engagement. The general consensus from articles and websites is that the cuts to the arts affect the poorest areas most. Listening to a podcast of Sir Peter Bazelgette a key phrase stuck with me "a shared experience that moves us to laughter or tears". I personally feel from conversations I have engaged in that people don't get this any more. Either due to television/computers/smart phones etc and lack of 'live' experiences in the arts.
Most articles mentioned the fact that arts should be in all schools and that many didn't have enough arts subjects which led me to looking at our local schools curriculum. I found it interesting how arts can vary so much from school to school on both a curricular bases and co-curricular.

I think that arts mark really brings together arts and academia in this quote on their website "bringing arts and culture to life in every classroom". Not every arts classroom but every classroom. I asked some friends what they thought of this and these where the following responses:
I personally think that schools should be primarily focused on the core subjects ie maths, English, science, history and geography but have arts incorporated too as not all people are artistic or need artistic talent for future jobs. I agree they should have 'arts' classes however this can be a follow on if chosen after school age or around school hours.

I think you need both, especially as there are many children who struggle with the core subjects and express themselves through arts. I also think there isn't enough PE time in school, but that's a different story! Arts can be incorporated directly into the the core subjects such as literacy and history anyway. Just as ICT has to be. 

A child who struggles to write English for example, can express themselves in art form or make a boring maths class colourful by using Art etc. For me, incorporating art into core subjects is vital.

 I think the recent craze in adult mindfulness colouring books shows that there is real benefit from the arts across the spectrum of the curriculum. I perceive their to be a plague of mental illness in our country. If children and young people can de stress, vent or rationalise emotions by drawing, dancing, acting, singing, playing instruments etc then I perceive it as a positive thing that can only have a good impact on learning across the whole curriculum. As for whether that arts time should be stand alone or integrated... I'm not fully sure? I wish I'd had more arts time alongside all my science and maths! I do think it could have helped me manage my anxiety at school. Though I did dance outside of school 3-4 days a week. I think the arts stuff could well be after school or lunch time or holiday clubs.

I'm not sure if these opinions help anyone else but I thought I would share! 


  1. Hi Andrea we have been able to communicate for M3 , so looking forward to blogs when you can post...
