Wednesday, 22 April 2015

My Top 5 Sources

My top 5 sources of information:

My Phone - Talk about having information at your finger tips. My phone is constantly attached to me...whether it is whilst I am making dinner or out for a shopping trip I am constantly looking and checking it. I think it has grown to be part of the society we live in. When I am at my parents house they think its crazy how me and my siblings are if we don't look at out phone for 30 mins. My mum has never had a mobile and dad only uses his for work. I went out on Sunday without it and felt like I had lost a hand. It is so useful and apps are an amazing invention!

Facebook - I remember changing from My Space to Facebook and my friends saying it would never take off.....there certainly were wrong on that one! I use facebook everyday to update students and parents that I teach. It is a fountain of knowledge in a dance teachers world as there are so many groups you can follow and get advice if needed.

You Tube - What a fabulous visual way of gaining knowledge. I have used you tube for many dance routines to get inspiration from other choreographers. Even watching music videos to see how the artist of a song wants to be represented or what visual style they have chosen. Even if my personal life you tube is fantastic. My husband was working away and we were having issues with our radiators....the power of you tube helped me fix this by using step by step videos to help.

Google - Any question I want the answer to....I ask my good friend Google! My in laws are astounded by what information it can give you. From the height of Fred Astaire to the population of China. I use google almost everyday to access websites without knowing their address.

Dance teaching friends - we have an I Message group of 5 of us who all trained together and now all work as professional dance teachers and most of us run our own businesses. This is such a useful group as we all support each others ventures and give as much help and advice as possible. We also try to cover each others classes or do special one of workshops at each others schools.

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