Monday, 19 October 2015


I have had a productive few hours of reading current and older blogs - gaining wisdom and a feel of Module 2 from others! I think this module is going to be an organic development throughout the next few weeks. I really like the idea of making sure you final choice for a line of enquiry is something that interests you and not a series of questions you happen to jot down. Keep blogging :)

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

My first group skype call

I've just finished my first group skype call with the others from all 3 Modules of BAPP. I'm so glad I made the call after racing home from teaching my last class. I was never available during my Mod 1 to join in the calls but will be attampting to make the ones during Mod 2.
It really gave me an insight into how others are thinking and what they are currently working on. I think it really helped to hear from others at different points...some just starting out (feeling as I did) and some already doing their enquiry. It helped to understand why they chose the topic and why other Mod 2's are looking at topics close to their line of work.
One main part that hit home is how ALL the modules are so closely linked. I came into Mod 2 with a clean slate not really thinking about what I submitted last May....however the call has made me realise I need to look back over my notes, blogs, tasks and submitted work before adding the next piece to the jigsaw. I really feel before making any decisions on lines of enquiries I need to refresh my prior learning and research before moving forwards.
If anyone is wondering if the Skype group calls are worth it then the answer is 'yes'!! They are a great insight into how others are working and what their thoughts and opinions are.
I look forward to the next one :)

Module 2

First week into Module 2 and I feel like at did at the start of Mod 1......"argh i'm not sure what it's all about"!!! Looking forward to getting back into the swing of blogging and reading what others are working on....Lets see what the next 12 weeks bring :)